Second Sunday of Lent – March 5th, 2023

INTRODUCTION TO THE LITURGY: The Favoured of God – God’s engagement in the life of his people has meant blessing and favour.  The scriptures today make that abundantly clear.  In Abraham’s call to venture forth to an unknown country, there is the assurance of blessings for the aging patriarch, his descendants, and, finally, all peoples of the earth.  In the transfiguration narrative from Matthew’s gospel, Jesus is designated by the Father as being the favoured emissary of redemption.  That redemption touches all of us, as the second letter to Timothy states, and results in our being favoured in Christ who brings us from death to life.   


LENTEN PRAYER BOOKLET:  You will find on the tables at the entrances, PRAYER MEDITATION BOOKLETS for Lent. We encourage you to take one home and use it as a part of your Lenten program.

FORTY HOUR DEVOTION:  This March 13 to 15, 2023, we will have the 40 Hour Devotion to help us prepare during Lent for the celebration of the Paschal Mystery at the Cathedral.  It is an opportunity to devote ourselves to prayer, especially before Our Lord Jesus Christ, ever present in the Blessed Sacrament, through adoration.  Father Eric F. Mason, a priest of the Diocese of Peterborough and pastor at St. Joseph Parish, Powassan, Ontario, will be the preacher each evening and the celebrant of Holy Mass each day.  Sign up sheets will go out for people of both parishes to take some time to spend in adoration during these days.  I would like to try and have adoration throughout the entire period, morning and night as is traditional if it is possible.  If it is not possible, we will have re-position each evening.


I strongly recommend that each of us make a resolution, no matter how much the decision may cost us, to make a holy hour before the Blessed Sacrament once a week. (Fr. John Hardon)

The love of God and neighbour, the greatest commandment, is expressed in, and the fruit of, Eucharistic worship. (St John Paul II)

Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament has His hands full of graces and He is ready to bestow them on anyone who asks for them. (St. Peter of Alcantara)

A Holy Hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament is worth more than a thousand years of human glory. (St. Padre Pio)

It is our duty to adore the Blessed Sacrament.  No one receives the Blessed Sacrament unless he adores it…and not only do we not sin by adoring, we do sin by not adoring. (St. Augustine)


           Our Lady of Lourdes                  Most Holy Name of Jesus                 Paroisse St-Jean-Baptiste

  Monday to Friday 8:00 AM           Monday to Thursday 7:00 PM     Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00 AM

(Please visit the Parish websites to confirm Mass times)


MASS ATTENDANCE FOR LAST WEEKEND – Saturday 7:15 – 69, Sunday 10:30 – 121, Sunday 5:15 – 87

Last Week’s Offertory

Sunday Offerings            3367.00
Loose Collection 466.10
Initial Offering 5.00
Investment Income 1408.47

Thank you for your generosity to the parish.


ANNOUNCED PARISH MASSES – March 5 to March 12, 2023  
Sun. Mar 5 10:30 AM +(Ann) Dorice Chaput – Wife Becky & Family 2nd Sunday of Lent
  5:15 PM Missa Pro Populo (Mass for the People)  
Mon. Mar 6 NO MASS ——————————————————————— Ferial
Tue. Mar 7      12:10 PM +Parents, Sisters & Brother – Albert Kruschenske Ferial
Wed. Mar 8        12:10 PM +(Ann) Mary O’Hara – Family Ferial
Thu. Mar 9      12:10 PM +Margaret Culina – St. Vincent de Paul Society Ferial
Fri. Mar 10    12:10 PM +Elizabeth St. Jean – Rene St. Jean Ferial
Sat. Mar 11    7:15 PM Missa Pro Populo (Mass for the People) 3rd Sunday of Lent
Sun. Mar 12 10:30 AM +Genda Scott – Les & Family 3rd Sunday of Lent
  5:15 PM Souls of Purgatory – Parishioner 3rd Sunday of Lent


In your prayers kindly remember the sick and those who care for them, the lonely, the handicapped, those

isolated, and those who have died.


Upcoming Ministries
  Lector Commentator
Saturday, March 11th Paola Bertoia Paola Bertoia
7:15 PM
 Sunday, March 12th  Les Scott Mike O’Grady
10:30 AM
SUNDAY SOCIAL – Jack & Judy Lapierre
5:15 PM Suzanne Fleury Maria C Doherty

PLEASE NOTE:  The CWL Gift Shop will be opened following the 10:30 am mass each Sunday. If you have any inquiries, please contact Becky Chaput at 613-732-8711.

Cathedral CWL is hosting a “Welcome Spring” Dessert and Card Party on Wednesday, April 12th in Cathedral Parish Hall.    Doors open at 6 p.m.  Admission is $8.00.  Choose your games of choice for the evening. Evening includes Door Prizes, 50/50 draws, ample desserts & beverages.  Tickets available from CWL Members; evening concludes at 9:00 p.m.  Cathedral Hall is elevator accessible.

SCRIPTURE 101: Looking for something to do this Lent? St. Michael’s Church in Douglas is pleased to present Scripture 101 on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm in the sacristy (enter by the side door), beginning on March 1st.  Each evening will consist of a video presentation followed by a facilitated group discussion.  The video series is produced by the Institute of Catholic Culture and features Fr. Sebastian Carnazzo, a Melkite (Byzantine) priest.  In these insightful lectures, Father Sebastian brings out the richness and the profound relevance of the story of our salvation history, and unveils God’s unceasing call for us to trust in His love for us.  Please join us, even if you have missed some of the classes already!  The video lectures are available for free online if you want to catch up on missed weeks (  Bring along a bible, a pencil, and a highlighter, and prepare for a new encounter with the Lord.

ANNUAL WOMEN’S RETREAT: “Do whatever He tells you (John 2.5)” from March 24 to 26, 2023 at the Graphite Bible Camp in Maynooth. Fr. Zachary Romanowsky and Cheryl Ann Smith from Madonna House will be leading the retreat. The cost is $175.00 for 2 nights and 5 meals. Limited spots available! To register: fill in the Google registration form at RETREAT REGISTRATION , and send e-transfer to (Question: What is name of retreat centre? Answer: Graphite). For more information contact us at call/text Caitlin 613-316-0992 or Kristan 613- 585-0579.

The next regular meeting of Bishop N.Z. Lorrain council 1531 of the Knights of Columbus will be held March 14. Meeting time is 7 p.m. in the K of C hall on Ellis Avenue, Pembroke.

Bishop Guy Desrochers will the speaker at the March 28 meeting of the Bishop N.Z. Lorrain council 1531 of the Knights of Columbus. His topic will be on the Lenten season. Meeting time will be 7 p.m. and will be open to members, their families and the community at large.

ADULT STEUBENVILLE SUMMER CONFERENCES: Registration is now open for Adult Steubenville Summer Conferences (2 in June, 3 in July). Go to: for more information.

RECOLLECTION FOR WOMEN at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Pembroke on Thursday, March 16th from 11 am to 1 pm. Take a break from your busy schedule to think about your life, your relationship with God and gain a fresh outlook. Includes exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, guided prayer, examination of conscience, confession, benediction and a talk. Bring your lunch for a get together afterward.  This spiritual activity, inspired by the writings of St. Josemaria Escriva, is entrusted to Opus Dei, a Personal Prelature of the Roman Catholic Church. For more information, please contact Nadia at nadia.bagshaw@sympatico.caor 613-584-9388.​​​​​​​