Dear Parishioners, as you are already aware much work has been done to the exteriors of the Cathedral and the Rectory. Now begins the renovations to the interior of the Rectory as well as the Chancery Office. The Parish office will move to an office trailer which will be placed on the property. We are hoping for a smooth transition of the parish and cemetery office to its temporary location. Presently we are sorting through 140 years of accumulated material. Due to this we have been closing our parish office at 3 p.m. from Monday to Thursday and all day on Fridays to accomplish this task. The long history of the Bishop’s Palace will once again be added to by incorporating apartments for our retired priests as well as for the Rector and others. It is hoped that we will retaining as much of the beauty of the original as possible. In the mean time we ask for your prayers and patience with us and to know that the bulletin may be a little dull for a while as we make these changes. Thank you so much.