Fifth Sunday in Lent – March 26, 2023
MASSES THIS WEEK (March 26 to April 2) Date Time Intention Priest Sun Mar 26 10:30 AM +Edmond Lukus by sister Pauline Cragg 5thSunday in Lent Fr. Beachey Sun Mar 26 5:15 PM Souls of Purgatory 5thSunday in Lent Fr. Beachey Tues Mar 28 NO MASS Priests attending...
Fourth Sunday of Lent – March 19th, 2023
MASSES THIS WEEK (March 19 to March 26) Date Time Intention Priest Sun Mar 19 10:30 AM +Beth Guimond by Ann Heney 4th Sunday in Lent Laetare Sunday Fr. Peter Do Sun Mar 19 5:15 PM + Maurice Laflamme by Rick & Lydia Lewis 4th Sunday in Lent Laetare Sunday...
3rd Sunday of Lent – March 12, 2023
KNEELING AND STANDING: Unfortunately, we seem to lack a common posture at Mass. The General Instructions for the Roman Missal (this is the list of rubrics {or rules} governing the Mass state that a congregation should observe common postures during the Mass. As to what this common posture is, there...
Second Sunday of Lent – March 5th, 2023
INTRODUCTION TO THE LITURGY: The Favoured of God – God’s engagement in the life of his people has meant blessing and favour. The scriptures today make that abundantly clear. In Abraham’s call to venture forth to an unknown country, there is the assurance of blessings for the aging patriarch, his...