Introduction to the Liturgy – Humility – No one can boast before God, says Paul, and if there is any boasting to be done at all, it can center only on our weaknesses. Today’s liturgy stresses the importance of humility in our lives, a virtue not greatly esteemed in our competitive society. Sirach offers some practical insights, and the gospel teaches the meaning of humility in parable form. The reading from Hebrews contrasts the two covenants, pointing out the blessedness and joy proper to the new dispensation.
From the Saints – From a sermon by Saint Augustine, bishop – Let us then follow Christ’s paths which he has revealed to us, above all the path of humility, which he himself became for us. He showed us that path by his precepts, and he himself followed it by his suffering on our behalf. In order to die for us—because as God he could not die—the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. The immortal One took on mortality that he might die for us, and by dying put to death our death. This is what the Lord did, this the gift he granted to us. The mighty one was brought low, the lowly one was slain, and after he was slain, he rose again and was exalted. For he did not intend to leave us dead in hell, but to exalt in himself at the resurrection of the dead those whom he had already exalted and made just by the faith and praise they gave him. Yes, he gave us the path of humility. If we keep to it we shall confess our belief in the Lord and have good reason to sing: We shall praise you, God, we shall praise you and call upon your name. (Matins, 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time)
Announced Parish Masses | ||
Monday August 29th to Sunday September 4th | ||
The Passion of Saint John the Baptist – Memorial | ||
Monday | 7:45 a.m. | George Dumont – Barb Clouthier |
August 29 | Evan Benedict Gahan – Family | |
Twenty-Second Week in Ordinary Time – Ferial | ||
Tuesday | 7:45 a.m. | Thanksgiving – Ed, Judy and Jason Dombroskie |
August 30th | Brian Foohey – Family | |
Twenty-Second Week in Ordinary Time – Ferial | ||
Wednesday | 6 – 7 p.m. | Adoration & Benediction (Confessions available until 6:45pm) |
August 31 | 7-7:15 pm | Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Help |
7:15 p.m. | (Ann.) Annie Brannen – Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Laflamme | |
Special Intentions of Jim and Carmel Harrington | ||
Twenty-Second Week in Ordinary Time – Ferial | ||
Thursday | 7:45 a.m. | Maurice & Marie Corriveau – Family |
September 1 | Deceased Family Members of Margaret Foohey – Family | |
Friday | 7:45 a.m. | Twenty-Second Week in Ordinary Time – Ferial |
September 2 | Thanksgiving – Terry Halliday | |
Saint Gregory the Great, Pope, Doctor – Memorial | ||
Saturday | 7:15 p.m. | Special Intentions of Cathedral Parishioners – Fr. Jim |
September 3 | ||
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time | ||
Sunday | 10:30 a.m. | Special Intentions of Cathedral Parishioners – Fr. Jim |
SEPTEMBER 4 | 5:15 p.m. | For the Sick – Fr. Jim |
In your prayers kindly remember the sick and those who care for them, the lonely, the handicapped, those isolated, and those who have died, especially Nelson Bowers and Timothy Lenser.
Your total offering for last Sunday was $4030.05 – Foreign Missions – $900.05
Thank you for your generosity and support.
Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I cry to you all the day long.
O Lord, you are good and forgiving,
full of mercy to all who call to you. (Entrance Antiphon – 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time | |||
Saturday August 27th & Sunday August 28th | |||
Lector | Commentator | ||
Saturday, August 27th | 7:15 pm | Timothy Girard | Paola Bertoia |
Sunday, August 28th | 10:30 am | Les Scott | Mike O’Grady |
Sunday, August 28th | 5:15 pm | Suzanne or R. Fleury | Suzanne or R. Fleury |
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time | |||
Saturday September 3rd & Sunday September 4th | |||
Lector | Commentator | ||
Saturday, September 3rd | 7:15 pm | Fred Sinclair | Dianne Sinclair |
Sunday, September 4th | 10:30 am | Lance Patriquin | Les Scott |
Sunday, September 4th | 5:15 pm | Maria C. Doherty | John Leydon |
From the Rector’s Desk: Insights from Flying Geese – Perhaps you have seen geese flying through the sky in a “V” formation. Christians can learn some valuable lessons from their habits. Flying in a “V” formation decreases the wind drag for all but the lead goose, The uplift of the wings of the bird in front make it easier for the flock to fly long distances. Christians can learn from this that we always accomplish far more by working together than by acting individually. That’s why God created the church and instructed us to “bear one another’s burdens.” When we share a common goal and work together in harmony, there is no limit to what can be accomplished. When flying together in “V”, the lead goose will drop back into the formation to rest a bit while another takes his place as the leader. We can learn from this that it pays to take turns doing the hard jobs, lest a few become “weary in well doing.” What excuses have we been giving God when asked to serve? Seasoned goose observers have also notice that when a goose becomes ill or wounded and falls out of formation, two others will fall out with him and remain behind to nurse him until he recovers enough to join another flock. What a lesson we Christian can learn from this! Why do we condemn those of our number who fall rather than love and nurse them back to wholeness? If the world knew we would love unconditionally and stand by one another no matter what, we would have to build thousands of new churches to accommodate all the people.
NOTICE FROM THE PARISH OFFICE: From July 1st until September 6th the Parish Office will be open Mondays thru Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Thank you.
Gift Shop: The Gift Shop will be open following the 10:30am Mass every Sunday starting in September, the exact date will be announced. If you wish to purchase anything from the gift shop in the meantime, please contact Becky Chaput at 732-8711.
RECOLLECTION FOR WOMEN: There will be a recollection for women at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Pembroke on Thursday, September 15th from 11 am to 1 pm. Recollections are like mini-retreats that help you take a break from your busy schedule to think about your life, your relationship with God and gain a fresh outlook. The day begins with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and a time of guided prayer, followed by an examination of conscience, confessions, silent prayer, benediction and concludes with a talk on a practical aspect of living the faith in ordinary life. You are invited to bring your lunch and stay for a get together afterward. This spiritual activity, inspired by the writings of St. Jose Maria Escriva, is entrusted to Opus Dei, a Personal Prelature of the Roman Catholic Church. For more information on the Prelature of Opus Dei go to Should you have any questions, please contact Nadia at or 613-584-9388.
THE CATHOLIC REGISTER – Papal Visit Magazine: As the latest in its series of highly successful commemorative magazines, The Catholic Register will produce a full colour magazine to coincide with National Indigenous reconciliation Day and mark Pope Francis’ historic penitential pilgrimage to Canada. The Catholic Register is now accepting orders. If interested, please contact Stephanie Williams at 416 934.3410 ext. 404, or toll-free at 1.855 441.4077 ext. 404.
CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE: The CWL now has a Facebook page @ Pembroke CWL St. Columbkille’s. Feel free to Like this page or send a friend request. They will be posting past and upcoming events moving forward. Please note, this page does not allow for comments.
RENFREW COUNTY RIGHT TO LIFE MEETING: RCRTL meets quarterly to discuss current pro-life issues and how we can make a change in our community and society. Anyone who shares our pro-life views and goals is welcome to participate in our meetings. At our Wednesday August 31st meeting, we’ll be finalizing plans for Life Chain and our Fall banquet, as well as prepping our Fall newsletter distribution. Come and lend a hand! The meeting is downstairs at Holy Name Church, 284 Trafalgar Rd, Pembroke. Use the entrance to the left of the main church doors. Check us out on Facebook at
MADONNA HOUSE IS CELEBRATING 75 YEARS IN COMBERMERE: Join us for an open house & picnic on Sunday, September 4th from 1-9 p.m.
1-3:00 p.m. Main House/Training Centre tours: Take time to pray at Our Lady of Combermere and The Island Chapel & Catherine’s cabin. MH Gift Shop, Book Shop & Pioneer Museum will be open. See St. Raphael’s Handicraft Center and Outdoor Kiln.
3-9:00 p.m. St. Mary’s (2768 Dafoe Road): Tea Time/Activities for families, adoration & benediction
6:00 p.m. Picnic Supper: Every family should bring a picnic supper (no grilling). Madonna House is providing dessert.
6-9:00 p.m. Bonfire/Music/Visiting.
Another way you can join in our celebration is to watch for photos and videos posted at: