Introduction to the Liturgy – The Cry of the Poor – The poor in Israel were a special group. Having no providers, they were totally dependent on Yahweh and therefore deserving of special care on the part of the community. Gradually this socio-economic condition was transformed into a spiritual posture. People of any social category were called to be the anawim, Yahweh’s dependents. Those who were materially poor, of course, were ideally suited to develop these spiritual qualities. Their cry is certain to be heard. Sirach today speaks of Yahweh’s inclination toward the weak and needy. The disreputable tax collector in the gospel has succeeded in making the moral dispositions of the anawim his own. His prayer, too, is efficacious and pleasing to God. In the second letter to Timothy, Paul’s life has been given totally to the gospel but, like the poor of God, he has been sustained throughout by his one defender, the Lord himself.
From the Saints – From a letter to the Corinthians by Saint Clement, pope and martyr – Let us fix our gaze on the Father and Creator of the whole world, and let us hold on to his peace and blessings, his splendid and surpassing gifts. Let us contemplate him in our thoughts and with our mind’s eye reflect upon the peaceful and restrained unfolding of his plan; let us consider the care with which he provides for the whole of his creation. (Matins, 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Announced Parish Masses | ||
Monday October 24th to Sunday October 30th | ||
Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time | ||
Monday | NO MASS | ——————————————————————————– |
October 24 | ||
Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time – Ferial | ||
Tuesday | 12:10 PM | Gord Edmonds – Dennis & Arlene Corrigan |
October 25 | Adeline Herron – Frances & Sylvester Belaskie | |
Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time – Ferial | ||
Wednesday | NO MASS | ——————————————————————————– |
October 26 | ||
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Ferial | ||
Thursday | 12:10 PM | Maurice & Marie Corriveau – Family |
October 27 | Edward Scully – David & Elaine Richardson | |
Friday | 12:10 PM | St. Simon and St. Jude, Apostles – Ferial |
October 28 | Elizabeth St. Jean – St. Vincent de Paul | |
Betty Hughes – St. Vincent de Paul | ||
Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time | ||
Saturday | 7:15 p.m. | Rita Hemmings – Family |
October 29 | Margaret Foohey – Family | |
Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time | ||
Sunday | 10:30 a.m. | Keith & Mary Jordan – Daughter Billie Luhowy |
October 30 | 5:15 p.m. | Missa Pro Populo (Mass for the People) |
In your prayers kindly remember the sick and those who care for them, the lonely, the handicapped, those isolated, and those who have died, especially Welland Stencell, Linda Spagnolo, Donna Robichaud, Gordon Hildebrandt, Phyllis Hebert, Theresa Gallen and Catherine Gould.
Your total offering for last Sunday was $3798.30
Thank you for your generosity and support.
Let the hearts that seek the Lord rejoice;
turn to the Lord and his strength;
constantly seek his face.
(Entrance Antiphon – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time | |||
Lector | Commentator | ||
Saturday, October 22nd | 7:15 pm | Timothy Girard | Paola Bertoia |
Sunday, October 23rd | 10:30 am | Suzanne Fleury | Mike O’Grady |
Sunday, October 23rd | 5:15 pm | Suzanne or R. Fleury | Suzanne or R. Fleury |
Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time | |||
Lector | Commentator | ||
Saturday, October 29th | 7:15 pm | Fred Sinclair | Dianne Sinclair |
Sunday, October 30th | 10:30 am | Mike O’Grady | Les Scott |
Sunday, October 30th | 5:15 pm | Bill or A-M. Fillmore | John Leydon |
CHANGE IN WEEKDAY MASSES TIMES: The Mass times for the week will change beginning this week. Because of the priests’ retreat, the full schedule will not begin for another week. Please look at the Mass times for this week. The new schedule will be as follows:
Our Lady of Lourdes: Monday to Friday at 8:00 AM
St. Columbkille Cathedral: Tuesday to Friday at 12:10 PM
Holy Name Parish: Monday to Thursday at 7:00 PM
As always, please pay attention each week for any changes to these times due to such events as the priests’ retreat, funerals, or special solemnities such as All Souls Day.
VOLUNTEERS FOR THE PARISH COUNCIL AND FINANCE AND PROPERTY COMMITTEE: If you are interested in serving on either one of these, please contact the Parish Office during office hours.
FUNERALS ON SATURDAY: Funeral Masses on Saturday will occur only if the death has occurred one week prior. There will be no Funeral Masses with ashes on Saturdays for those who have died weeks or months before the intended date for the Funeral Mass.
ALL SOULS DAY: At the entrances of the church, you will find envelopes marked “All Souls Day”. On the envelope there are ten lines upon which you may place the names of your loved ones who have died. If you have more than 10 names, then please place them on a piece of paper and put it inside the envelope. Although it is not necessary, you may offer a monetary donation. These donations will be used for Masses for the Holy Souls in Purgatory throughout the year. You may place these envelopes in the collection. The names given will be placed into a book near the sanctuary for the month of November.
OUR DUTY TO PRAY FOR THE DEAD: As we approach the month dedicated to the Holy Souls, we recall that it is the duty of the Church Militant or the Church living on earth, to offer up prayers and sacrifices for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. These souls need our prayers to help them be purified from worldly desires and thus enter into God’s heavenly kingdom. We can offer up prayers, especially Holy Mass as well as gain Indulgences for the Holy Souls. Let us never forget this solemn duty given to us for one day we too may need the prayers of the Church.
DEVOTIONS: The Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help will continue each Wednesday but it will occur after the 12:10 Mass. When the liturgical calendar allows it, Friday Mass will be a Mass of the Sacred Heart.
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: At the entrances of the Church, you will find a sign-up sheet for Adoration. I would like to have exposition after the Wednesday Mass of 12:10 PM with the praying of the Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. If enough people sign up, I would like to continue adoration until 6:30 PM ending with Vespers and Benediction.
COMMUNION TO THE SICK AND SHUT-INS: I need to comply a list of those who are sick and the shut-ins so that Father Peter and I can begin to make visits. if you know of someone who would like to be on this list, please call the Parish Office with their name, address and phone number. Please do so only with the person’s permission.
“GOT LIFE QUESTIONS? R.C.I.A. might just be for you. R.C.I.A stands for the Rite of Christian initiation of Adults. It is a journey for anyone who is interested in becoming a Catholic and growing in the life as a Christian. It is for someone who has never been baptized or maybe you have been baptized in another Christian faith and wish to know more about the Catholic faith, or maybe you have been baptized and have not received the other Sacraments for your life’s mission or maybe as a Catholic you just want to grow more in your faith. If any of the above questions apply to you, we would love to help in your spiritual journey Want to know more about your Catholic faith all are welcome to join us in exploring this new quest at St. Columbkille’ s Cathedral. For more information, please contact Deacon Adrien Chaput at 613-732-7933 ext. 206 or
IMPORTANT GATHERING CALL TO REGISTER: A Faith Formation Day open to all, will be held on Saturday, November 5, 2022 from 9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at The Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 284 Trafalgar Road, Pembroke. Guest Speaker: Bishop Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R. Topic: The Sacrament of Joy. Lunch and refreshments will be provided (please inform us you have any food allergies). Cost: FREE, but registration is necessary. To register, please contact Deacon Adrien Chaput at 613 732-7933 ext. 206, or by November 3, 2022.
CATHEDRAL CWL SPRING GARAGE SALE – Parishioners – Doing your fall clean up? Empty out your closets & cupboards and bring your donations to our Fall Garage Sale being held on Saturday, November 5th from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. Contributions can be brought to the hall until Friday, November 4th at 3 p.m. If anyone is interested, please contact Becky at 732-8711.