Introduction to the LiturgyImportuning God Like a shrewd customer at a bazaar, Abraham presses the Lord to bargaining limits in today’s first reading. To determine how far the Lord’s will to save will go, he works skillfully to save as many citizens of Sodom as possible. The Lucan Jesus reminds us that God is to be pursued aggressively. Annoyance reflects well on the petitioner and eventually elicits a positive response. The Christian passage from death to life and from flesh to Spirit is succinctly presented in today’s readings from the Colossians.


From the Saints Saint John Chrysostom, bishopAgain Paul turns to speak of love, softening the harshness of his rebuke. For after convicting and reproaching them for not loving him as he had loved them, breaking away from his love and attaching themselves to troublemakers, he again takes the edge off the reproach by saying: Open your hearts to us, that is, love us. He asks for a favor which will be no burden to them but will be more profitable to the giver than to the receiver. And he did not use the word “love” but said, more appealingly: Open your hearts to us.  (Letter to the Corinthians – Matins, 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time)


Announced Parish Masses
Monday, July 25th to Sunday, July 31st   
    St. James, Apostle
Monday 7:45 a.m. Eldon & Rose Troutman – Family
July  25  
    St. Anne and St. Joachim, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Tuesday 7:45 a.m. Margaret Foohey – Family
July 26    
    Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Ferial
Wednesday 6 – 7 p.m. Adoration & Benediction (Confessions available until 6:45pm)
July 27 7-7:15 pm Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
  7:15 p.m. Rita Gaffney – Husband Cy
    Eileen Butler – CWL
    Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Ferial
Thursday 7:45 a.m. Brian Foohey – Family
July 28    
    Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, Disciples of the Lord 
Friday No Mass ———————————————————————
July 29    
    Vigil of the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday 7:15 p.m. Special Intentions of Cathedral Parishioners – Fr. Jim
July 30    
    Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday 10:30 a.m. Special Intentions of Cathedral Parishioners – Fr. Jim
July 31 5:15 p.m. For the Sick – Fr. Jim


In your prayers kindly remember the sick and those who care for them, the lonely, the handicapped, those isolated, and those who have died, especially Donald Lair, Margaret Matcheski, Donald Hartlen, Terry O’Neill, Cindy Lou Hartnoll, Michael Chartrand and Mary Cripps.



Your total offering for last Sunday was $2191.05

Thank you for your generosity and support


God is in his holy place,
God who unites those who dwell in his house;
he himself gives might and strength to his people.

(Entrance Antiphon – 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time)


Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, July 23rd & Sunday, July 24th
    Lector Commentator
Saturday, July 23rd 7:15 pm Timothy Girard Paola Bertoia
Sunday, July 24th  10:30 am Les Scott Mike O’Grady
Sunday, July 24th  5:15 pm Suzanne/Richard Fleury Suzanne/Richard Fleury
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, July 30th & Sunday, July 31st
    Lector Commentator
Saturday, July 30th   7:15 pm Fred Sinclair Dianne Sinclair
Sunday, July 31st  10:30 am Mike O’Grady Les Scott
Sunday, July 31st    5:15 pm Bill or A-M. Fillmore John Leydon


NOTICE FROM THE PARISH OFFICE:  From July 1st until September 6th the Parish Office will be open Mondays thru Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Thank you.

Gift Shop: The Gift Shop will be open following the 10:30am Mass every Sunday. For more information call Becky Chaput at 732-8711


JOIN AN ONLINE PRAYER GROUP FOR THE EVANGELIZATION PROJECT: Join us online every Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. to intercede for the evangelization efforts in the diocese of Pembroke. We pray the rosary, sometimes a novena, or meditate on a Gospel passage. The zoom link to connect is:


2022 CATHOLIC FAMILY RETREATJULY 30-AUGUST 1: Calling all Catholic Families! The 2022 Catholic Family Retreat will be hosted on Saturday, July 30, Sunday, July 31 and Monday, August 1 at Sacred Way Farm (745 Kells Road, Powassan, Ontario). Join us for prayer, worship, Adoration, family games, activities and inspiring talks. Optional camping on site is available too. For more information, a complete itinerary of the weekend events, to see our guest speakers and to register your family, please visit: The 2022 Catholic Family Retreat is proudly presented by Sacred Way Ministries, Holy Name of Jesus Church, North Bay; St. Alphonsus Liguori Church, Callander; and St. Joseph Church, Powassan.


WOJTYLA SUMMER INSTITUTE: Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College is hosting its annual Wojtyla Summer Institute in-person in Barry’s Bay from August 4-7. This year’s theme, “Know Thyself”: Catholic Perspectives on the Human Person,” addresses ways in which the integrity of the human person is being challenged, and seeks to find connections among the various Catholic perspectives to form a unified view of who we are and how we should live. The conference features a keynote address by Fr. Mark Goring, CC, in St. Hedwig’s Parish, which will be free and open to the public, as well as livestreamed. Some accommodations are available. Space is limited for the in-person conference. Find more information, and register at



Cormac Pilgrimage

2022 ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE TO THE SHRINE OF ST. ANN: The 2022 annual Cormac Pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Ann will take place in Cormac, Ontario from Thursday, July 27th through Sunday, July 31st. This year’s theme: “History of the Devotion to St. Ann”, with Bishop Guy Desrochers as presider. For more information, please call 613-628-2020 or email All are welcome!

WALK THE OPEONGO LINE PILGRIMAGE, July 29-31: This year we’re walking the Opeongo Line from Barry’s Bay to Cormac, 40km. The pilgrimage begins with Mass at St. Hedwig’s on Friday, July 29th and ends with the Bishop’s Mass at St. Ann’s Shrine on Sunday, July 31st. The Pilgrimage is a beautiful experience of God’s Providence. For more information on the details or to register, please visit:

Pigrimage Choir: We warmly invite any singers from surrounding parishes, interested in joining the 2022 Cormac Pilgrimage Choir to our rehearsals in St. James Parish Hall at 78 Wellington Street, Eganville on Wednesday July 13th, 20th and 27th at 6:30 pm. Our Choir leader is T.J O’Grady. Any questions, please call 613-628-2020.

Help Needed: Saturday, July 23rd at 9 am and Monday August 1st at 6pm for set up and take down for the Cormac Pilgrimage. Great opportunity for any High School Students looking for Community Hours, or anyone interested in helping out. Lunch will be provided. Call St. James Parish Office at 613-628-2020.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY – We extend our heartfelt congratulations and prayerful best wishes to all couples who celebrated their Marriage Anniversary during the month of July.  May the Lord continue to bless them in life together.  The 10:30 a.m. mass is offered for their intentions.  All couples are welcome to have their wedding anniversaries posted in our parish bulletin, just call the Parish Office with your date. 613-732-8513

Bob and Pierrette Troutman – 63 Years – July 18