Bulletin Announcements are due to the Parish office before 11:00 a.m. on the Monday before publication. Please call the parish office to submit an announcement.
In your prayers kindly remember the sick and those who care for them, the lonely, the handicapped, those isolated, and those who have died especially, Bonnie Murphy, Evelyn Bell Carrier, Colette Baxter, Joyce Smith & Norman Legault.
INTRODUCTION TO THE LITURGY – Birth from Above: There are a number of options for the vigil’s first reading The Genesis babel narrative is selected here because of its connection with the Pentecost account in Acts. The reading from Romans looks at our future destiny in the light of our present struggle and strongly accent the virtue of hope. The Spirit groans within us in its tireless desire to realize our final redemption. The Johannine Jesus speaks of the Spirit as fountain of fresh water, a precious resource in the land of Jesus; the Spirit quenches the believer’s thirst in time and eternity. The readings for both the vigil and feast itself speak exultantly of new life, a birthday for the believer and the church.
FROM THE RECTOR’S DESK – Pentecost Prayer – Father in heaven, fifty days have celebrated the fullness of the mystery of your revealed love. See your people gather in prayer, open to receive the Spirit’s flame. May it come to rest in our hearts and disperse the divisions of word and tongue. With one voice and one song may we praise your name in joy and thanksgiving. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen
A note from Fr. Jim he will continue with weekend and daily masses and since only 10 people can be present in the church for mass including the priest, parishioners may stay in their cars in the church parking lot and tune in at 88.1 radio station and Fr. Jim will gladly come out and give communion as you stay in the comfort of your car.
You’re offering for Sunday, May 16th was $1,795.00
A sincere thank you for your weekly donations during the COVID 19 pandemic.
Your generosity is gratefully appreciated.
2021 Sunday Offering Envelopes
Your 2021 Sunday Offering Envelopes are available at the main entrance of the Cathedral. If you want envelopes and cannot find a box with your name on it, please contact the parish secretary at 732-8513 and one will be prepared for you.
If you wish an Income Tax Receipt please place a self-addressed in the collection basket (stamped or not). Your receipt will be mailed out the following week.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Will be available by appointment only due to COVID restrictions. Please call 613-732-8513 during office hours.
Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Bible Reading
In these trying times, it is more imperative than ever that we Christians encourage one another by proclaiming God’s word. As it says in Isiah 55:11. “So shall my word that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty but shall accomplish that which I purpose, and succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”
We are planning to meet at the Pembroke waterfront Amphitheatre on June 6, 2021 at 1 pm for the readings. We are allowed 100 people at an outdoor public venue. To register please call the office at (613) 732 – 8513 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday. Closed between 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Obligation to Attend Mass Remains Suspended
Due to the issues surrounding COVID 19, the obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains suspended for all Catholics in this diocese.
Holy Mass – Extraordinary Form
Holy Masses in the extraordinary form are offered at St. Columbkille Cathedral on the first Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. These Latin Masses are in the form of the Liturgy as it was celebrated at the time of the Second Vatican Council—the same form which nourished the faith of many of our ancestors. English translations of the entire Mass are provided. Next Latin Mass: Postponed until further notice.
Announced Parish Masses
Monday, May 24th, 2021 to Saturday May 29th, 2021
Monday 7:45 a.m.
Ron Stencell – Claire Mungham
Jean Jones – Gordon & Nicole Jones
Tuesday 7:45 a.m.
(Ann) Leonard Pick – wife Dolly & Family
Souls in Purgatory – Rose Docherty
Wednesday 7:15 p.m.
Kay Gaffney – Cy Gaffney
(Ann) Rudi Goring – wife Doris & Family
Thursday 7:45 a.m.
(Ann) Ray Davidson – Larry & Ruth Davidson
Jim Tenant – Albert & Beth Kruschenske
Saturday 7:15 p.m.
Special Intentions of Cathedral Parishioners – Fr. Jim
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Special Intentions of Cathedral Parishioners – Fr. Jim
Sunday 5:15 p.m.
For the Sick – Fr. Jim
Acts 1:8 (NIV)
“You will receive power,
When the Holy Spirit
Comes on you.”