Bulletin Announcements are due to the Parish office before 11:00 a.m. on the Monday before publication. Please call the parish office to submit an announcement.
In your prayers kindly remember the sick and those who care for them, the lonely, the handicapped, those isolated, and those who have died, especially Paulette Furnival, Barbara Holder, Peter Coxe & John Chaput.
FROM THE RECTOR’S DESK –God’s Generosity – Duetero-Isaiah in today’s first reading warns against trying to make God fit into pre-determined categories. The gospel illustrates the points in parable form as it recounts the tale of the laborers hired at different times of the day and all of them receiving the same pay. In the reading from Philippians, Paul sees the life in Christ as his primary good and thus would prefer death to the present life apostolic demands were not weighing upon him.
Your offering for Sunday, September 13th was $2,685.05
A sincere thank you for your weekly donations during the COVID 19 pandemic. Your generosity is gratefully appreciated.
GOT LIFE QUESTIONS? R.C.I.A. Might Just Be For You
R.C.I.A stands for the Rite of Christian initiation of Adults. It is a journey for anyone who is interested in becoming a Catholic and growing in the life as a Christian. It is for someone who has never been baptized or maybe you have been baptized in another Christian faith and wish to know more about the Catholic faith, or maybe you have been baptized and have not received the other Sacraments for your life’s mission or maybe as a Catholic you just want to grow more in your faith. If any of the above questions apply to you, we would love to help in your spiritual journey Want to know more about your Catholic faith all are welcome to join us in exploring this new quest starting this October 20,2020 7:00 p.m. at St. Columbkille’ s Cathedral. Please contact Deacon Adrien Chaput at 613-732-7933 ext. 206.
Virtual Teen Program
Catholic publisher Pauline Books and Media (PBM) is looking for avid teen readers interested in participating in a pilot run of their new “Pauline Reviewers Program.” Participating teen volunteers have the opportunity to learn to craft a book review for a publisher as they create an official review of a teen title by PBM. Through their review, teens can lend their voice to the world of Catholic publishing, and will earn a certificate that can be used towards high school volunteer hours, resumes, etc. If you have a teen who loves reading or wants to engage in the world of writing and publishing, contact Sister Orianne Dyck (odyck@paulinemedia.com) for more information for further details regarding the program and registration.
Renfrew County Right to Life – Upcoming Life Chain 2020: Sunday, October 4th from 2-3 p.m.
Meet in the Festival Hall parking lot at 1:45 p.m. Life Chain is a powerful, peaceful street witness and prayer vigil held yearly, usually on the first Sunday in October, in many locations across North America. We choose a sign, then stand silently and prayerfully on the sidewalk (6 feet apart!) Signs provided proclaim “Adoption the Loving Option,” “Jesus Forgives & Heals,” “Lord, Forgive Us and Our Nation,” “Abortion Hurts Women,” and “Life – the first Inalienable right.” Bring your whole family! Life Chain goes rain or shine. Water, lawn chairs, umbrellas and strollers are welcome. For further information please contact Susan Dagenais at susan.dagenais@icloud.com.
The Upcoming Pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Cape and to the Shrine of Saint Anne is cancelled this year, due to the pandemic.
Any projected dates will depend on the federal, provincial, territorial and public Health governments’ decisions. Our Lady of the Cape, pray for us. Good Saint Anne, pray for us.
Marriage Preparation Program
The Fall Diocesan Marriage Preparation Program is coming up on Saturday, October 3rd and Saturday, October 17th, 2020 at St. James the Less Parish, Eganville. Deadline to register is September 28, 2020. Registration is available online at www.pembrokediocese.com, or a form can be obtained from any parish and mailed in. Inquiries can be direct to Yvette Bourque at 613-732-7933 ext. 208.
First Step Options Pregnancy Resource Centre 2020 Baby Bottle Fundraising Campaign
First Step Options Pregnancy Resource Centre 2020 Baby Bottle Fundraising Campaign begins Sunday, September 13th to Sunday, October 4th. The 2020 Fundraising Goal is $20,000.00. Prayerfully consider supporting the work of the Centre through: E-transfers at firststepoptions@ gmail.com; donate by envelope by mail, monthly pledge by preauthorized debit. Kindly contract the Centre for further details at 613-635-7440.
National Evangelization Team (NET) Canada
Due to the government regulations and restrictions, NET will not be in the Diocese this fall to do school or parish retreats. This will be reevaluated in the new year.
Obligation to Attend Mass Remains Suspended
Due to the issues surrounding COVID 19, the obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains suspended for all Catholics in this diocese.
Announced Parish Masses
Monday 7:45 a.m.
Terry Bissonnette – Family
(Ann) Dorothy Devine – Family
Tuesday 7:45 a.m.
Dec. Parents, Sisters & Brother – Albert Kruschenske
Kevin Harrington – Margaret Gormley & Family
Wednesday 7:15 p.m.
Larry Mungham – The Laflamme Family
Heidi Recoski – Sheridan Ethier
Thursday 7:45 a.m.
Dec. Relatives of McFarlane & Bechamps Families – Brenda & Family
Souls in Purgatory – Rose Docherty
Saturday 7:15 p.m.
Special Intentions of Cathedral Parishioners – Fr. Jim
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Special Intentions of Cathedral Parishioners – Fr. Jim
Sunday 5:15 p.m.
For the Sick – Fr. Jim